Friday, January 9, 2009

Babies, New Births and Pain

Please. Read your Bible every day. Use the guide posted here so you'll be reading along with others of us. And pray -- always for others and some for yourself. Much for yourself if you're able to sincerely ask God to make you selflessly devoted to others.

Today is a normal day. That means that for some it's a time of happiness and for some a time of sorrow. Because we are a community with intertwined lives we each share in both joy and pain -- amazingly, simultaneously.

"Is it a good day?"

"Yes, wonderful!"

"Is it a good day?"

"No, it's a day of sadness."

Please pray today for Melissa Garcia who has been admitted to the St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital ICU. And for Paula Garroutte's father in Wichita, Kansas who has been diagnosed with heart disease and cancer. And for Oreo Negrete, also in St. Luke's as a result of multiple strokes.

Pray every day for 11 year old Jesse Goff as she continues her battle with cancer.

Even as you think of and pray for these (and the long, long list of others who are also hurting), please also rejoice with Tim and Jenny Winter, Kane and Irina Prestwood and Ivory and Mandy Crittenden in the very recent births of Tim, Katerina and Mayah. All three moms and babies are doing great!

And be glad for Thelma Richard and Jubilee Grace Richard who were baptized Thursday night in a joyous ceremony.

Lots of good things. And some very painful ones.


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